Who Maria Ngo Is

A True Local Representative

My family and I have been living in the Gardiners Creek Ward for 25 years. I am originally from Malaysia. I came to Australia as an international student nearly 40 years ago.

Our children, who are now 26 and 21, went to Ashwood Memorial Kindergarten. My daughter attended BDC dance, Waverley Advanced Gymnastics and BUGS Gymnastics.

I spent many years as a committee member in Parents and Friends Associations at kindergarten and school. I have led playgroups and mainly music groups and teams.

As a parent and mother I have used many of the local amenities and services that you enjoy and use in our local areas. When my children were little, our local playgrounds were at Octavia Court, Baryn Street and Electra Park among others.

I live locally and work in just the next ward.

I often cycle and walk along Gardiners Creek Trail. We would also take our dog to Damper Creek for walks.

Jordanville Station is our family station of choice.

I am a published author and work currently as a free-lance photographer and pastor.

I enjoy travelling, musicals, visiting art galleries and museums, Zumba, astronomy, nature, cycling, geocaching and walking football. 

Diverse People-Centred Professional Background

My formal qualifications in counselling, publishing and theology (M.A.) means that your issues will be listened to empathetically and action taken and responded to holistically.

I have worked in a diverse range of industries – publishing (7 years), church pastor (10 years), sales and small business including photography (6 years), mainly music Area Coach (2 years) and private school boarding house (5 years).

I have managed budgets and projects, hired and negotiated with contractors as well as led teams and supported children, parents, young adults and seniors physically, spiritually, socially and emotionally with a focus on holistic well-being.

If elected, I will use my extensive and diverse 35 years of paid and volunteer experiences and skills (and interests) to develop strategies that respond proactively and innovatively to issues affecting us as a community.

I aim to act in the best interest of the whole community rather than take a narrow focus on ‘pet projects’. I will take a common-sense approach to decision making.

I aim to be available and be your true local voice.

Love Our Outdoor Green and Play Spaces

I deeply appreciate Monash's parks, reserves and creek trails as important places for us and our very important canine companion’s well-being. We meet to play and form community here, and our children develop important life skills through their participation in sporting clubs in these spaces also.

I Will Be Advocating For

Family Friendly Policies

Encourage and support programs and policies that promote relational connections, families and the individual’s mental, social and physical well-being, safety, economic security and independence.

Vibrant Community Connections

Support for programs in community groups, libraries, neighbourhood houses, sporting clubs, youth and elderly programs, maternal and child health centres, home care services and mental health initiatives which respond to community needs and reduce social isolation.

Enhance Amenities for Enjoyment and Safety

Invest to increase Monash’s green canopy and play spaces for the whole family (teenagers and adults included). Improve amenities in our reserves, parks, skate parks, play spaces/playgrounds and walking trails (e.g. water taps, seats, landscaping, rubbish bins).

Keep our roads and footpaths adequately lit, well-maintained and well-signed for our safety.

Facilitate aesthetically pleasing streetscapes and even roundabouts.

Appropriate Development

Support planning schemes that allow for sustainable growth in the community and development of the municipality which does not infringe on the local character and cause congestion or parking issues in our local streets.

Sustainable Waste Management and Enterprising Small Businesses

Support responsible, sustainable waste management and local business entrepreneurs. 

Low Rates and Quality Services

Ensure that rates are kept to a minimum, spent effectively and wisely. I believe that local Councillors should focus on issues that are the core functionalities of local council.

I Would Love To Hear
From You

If you have any ideas for improving our local community or if you have areas of concerns that are not being addressed by our local council at present, please feel free to contact me.

Email: maria.ngo.4monash@gmail.com

Phone: 0450 734 812

Facebook: @MariaNgoforMonash

Instagram: @mariangoformonashcouncil


“Maria Ngo has been part of the
Crossway Baptist Church community for
25 years serving in
multiple leadership roles.
She is innovative and responsive
to needs of people around her
and connects well with
people of diverse backgrounds.
Maria is sincere, principled and
has high integrity.
These qualities position her well
to serve as a
Monash City Councillor.”

Dale Stephenson, Senior Pastor
Crossway Baptist Church

Vote 1 for Maria Ngo 

Gardiners Creek Ward
Monash Council

Monash Council Election postal ballot papers are
being delivered 8 Oct 2024.

Make sure you number all boxes on
your ballot paper and
have filled in all relevant fields before
popping it into the mailbox before

6pm on Fri 25 October 2024.


A true local for
local residents on
local issues that matter

I intend to keep the oath of office which requires that I keep an objective and open mind to the
whole community without bias.

I will take a common sense approach in Council matters and do what is in the best interests of the
whole community.

I want to improve Councillor and
Community connections.

A diverse and extensive work and life experiences and interests =
Better representation for you.

I am not funded by any political party.
Any donation (every little bit will help) will be received with gratitude.